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What you Need to Know About Cats


Nowadays most of the people in the universe do keep cats in their homestead this is because they are too awesome to live with and everyone looks forward to living with. Cats are well known since it's also friendly to the people and is the reason why you will always find it in your house and lying comfortable on your chairs. As people do communicate cats also communicate and they communicate using a variety of vocalisations. The vocalisations include: purring, growling, mewing, hissing, trilling and grunting which they use to communicate among themselves.  Learn more about Pet Care Lab, go here. 


All cats are very strong and do have flexible bodies which allows them to pass through a squeezed area where other animals cannot pass. They also have sharp teeth that are adapted to killing small prey such as mice. They also have sharp retractable claws. Cats are also well known for their astounding senses this is because their outer ear flap traps sound from every direction which then goes down to their ear canals and then to the eardrum. Immediately after the vibration of the sound on the eardrum, the middle ear transforms the vibration to sound waves which send the sound waves to the cat's cochlea and eventually to the brain. A cat can hear from as far as twenty hertz up to around sixty-five thousand hertz. A cat also responds more readily to a high pitch than a low pitch, and this is always the reason why most cats like to spend much time with a woman with a high-pitched voice. Cat ears also help them in their balance, and this is the reason why cats do land on feet when they fall from a high point. Find out for further details right here 


The feline eye structure has the lens, the cornea, the retina, the tapetum lucidum and also the iris. Tapetum lucidum is a mirror like a cell layer that reflects very little light hence helping the cat to see. Cats also have a third eyelid which is known as the haw and protects their eyes.  Their pupil is elliptical and controls the quality of light that enters. Most of the cats particularly the young kittens are known for their love of games. You will find most of the cats play fighting with others and also with human beings.  Playing and fighting helps the young kittens learn how to capture, stalk and kill their prey. There are also many games which have been invented for cats. Take a look at this link for more information. 

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